- WORLD'S END a letter from the editor-in-chief,
- TANK Things these are a few of our favourite things,
- Speaking of beauty Chia Huang shoots some declarative looks with Dior,
- THE CLOCK RUNS BACKWARDS a heroic reframing of the passage of time with Cartier. Photography by Lydia Whitmore,
- Montblanc Meisterstück celebrating 100 years of making words spring to life. Photography by Pietro Cocco, styling by Oana Cilibiu.
- Gorillas and the myths Text and photography by Carolina Issa,
- Distant voices a new edition of the Flaherty Film Seminar. Text by Cici Peng ,
- A museum of the future Text by Thomas Roueché,
- Disobey your master’s voice a survey of the Scottish art festival scene. Text by Christabel Stewart,
- The holy city Text and photography by Kinza Shenn,
- The name of the rose a journey in scent. Text by Nell Whittaker, photography by Alice Ray,
- Who are the peasants? Who are the workers? The Prague Biennale Matter of Art. Text and photography by Jackson Mount,
- Water Columns a look at submerged life. Text by Jackson Mount,
- Postcards for Mia missives from a grandpa-at-large. Text by Nell Whittaker,
- A quiet revolution the contested heritage of Québec. Text and photography by Isabelle Bucklow,
- Zeros and ones Women and technologogy. Text by Christabel Stewart,
- Check mates Dior forges a new Auld Alliance in Scotland. Text by Olivia Barrett,
- The philosophy of stones A small and important Greek island and its sacred waters. Text and photography by Nell Whittaker,
- Looking for Xanadu a tour of SLO CAL's expansive vistas and extensive vineyards. Text by Leo Robson, photography by Tancredi,
- Sonic boom Sonar Festival at thirty-one. Text by Matteo Pini, photography by Marco Pini,
- Niagara Falls a tourist town it the down season. Text and photography by Kourtney Roy,
- A sturdy and voluptuous weed A potted history of the poinsettia. By Jack Young,
- Between ice and sky penguins at the end of the world. Text and photography by Caroline Issa and Masoud Golsorkhi,
- Heady heights Text and photography by Sohrab Golsorkhi-Ainslie and Alice Ray.
- Upper Case RIMOWA in Peru. Photography by Sohrab Golsorkhi-Ainslie, art direction by Alice Ray,
- Match Point game, set and match with Casa Fila. Photography by Tofjan, styling by Marianthi Hatzikidi,
- Hard Shadows CHANEL draws inspiration from Marseille. Photography by Theresa Marx, styling by Caitlin Moriarty,
- Prima Facie what's that on your face? Photography by Philip White, styling by Riccardo Linarello, make-up by Marie Bruce using MAC Cosmetics,
- International trim From cities across the world, fashion that makes the cut,
- World Wide Wash the landrette, from Ramallah to Tehran,
- Global Bake Off getting the daily bread, from Lagos to London.
- Rachel Kushner on crooked cops and cult leaders,
- Mohamed Almusibli on making a home a gallery,
- Michael Taussig on the dance of drawing,
- Alia Farid on weaving as archiving,
- Yousof Azizi on Great Power politics,
- Thomas Hirschhorn on disaster and spectacle ,
- Mike Silva on voyeurism and image-making,
- Rackstraw Downes on the intimacy of inanimate objects,
- Sammy Baloji on copper and colonialism,
- Arum Natzorkhang on penis-enlargement spells and the trials of translation.