Thing is the English language’s most pliant word. Referring variously to objects, entities, concepts or phenomena, the term describes, in essence, anything that can be perceived, thought about, or discussed – and there’s much to discuss. In the fashion world, the venture capital and the post-Covid flash-boom-bubbles have popped at last. E-commerce flagships like Matches and Farfetch collapse, sending some of their smaller suppliers into a financial tailspin, invoices unpaid and unable even to access their stock – while some principals make off with millions. Meanwhile, at huge multi-national brands, sustainability teams are quietly dissolved; Diversity and Inclusion appointments are wound down; an industry looks in the mirror and says, “What was wrong with the bad old days?” In the whirlpool of these corporate systems, we lift up the brands, creatives and artists working to a different set of rules. Across these pages we put our favourite new-season collections centre stage, and spotlight those creatives expressing originality, creativity and technical expertise – as well as ethical and political sensibility. The edifice should remember it is built from these vital parts, that burst into life in the creation of these things.